Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Destash Swap Meet: December 10 Meeting Preview

We hope you can join us Saturday, December 10 from 2:30 PM to 4:30 PM at Borealis Yarns for our first ever DeStash Swap Meet. And just what is a Destash Swap Meet and why would I want to come? Glad you asked. If you google "swap meet", you'll find a variety of definitions and lots of crazy events. Our definition:
  • An informal gathering to barter or give away gently used (or excess) tools, yarn, books, magazines, or crochet work (such as trading times and skills)
You've all heard the old saying - one person's trash is another person's treasure. Well, in our case, one person's excess stash might be another person's treasure. If you want to make room in your yarn basket for Christmas gifts, this meeting is for you. Or if you're hunting for bargains, this meeting is for you as well.

There's only a few rules / guidelines:
  • The meeting starts at 2:30 PM but swapping will not begin until 3:00 PM to give everyone a chance to look over what's available.
  • Each person gets to decide whether they want to barter or give away their own items - so think about which option you'll take with any items you bring and, yes, you can give away some and barter others if you wish. If you're giving items away, we'll put them all in a designated area and have some blank raffle tickets to use to decide who gets any items that are wildly popular (like my lime-green Lambs Pride). If you want to barter, then you decide what's a fair trade and how to choose between competing bidders.
  • We encourage you to bring something if you come, although it's certainly not required. If you don't have any crochet-related items to barter, you could bring something like a plate of Christmas cookies as there are some of us who can be easily bribed with goodies.
  • If there are any leftover items, we are investigating several local charities that will accept craft and yarn items so you be assured that items you no longer want will go to a good cause.
After the Swap Meet is over, the second part of the meeting will be to discuss chapter business: review the past year and our plans for the next year. We'll post another blog entry with more details a few days before the meeting.

Hope you can join us!