- Members voted to change our meeting location to the Textile Center effective October 2013. We've paid rent at our current location through September so the August and September meetings will still be held at Prospect United Methodist Church. The cost for meeting space is the same but we gain a larger and brighter meeting space. Several members had questions about parking at the Textile Center; there are handicapped spaces and several parking options nearby. Details will be provided in the October meeting preview blog.
- Julie has been trained at a volunteer for the Textile Center library so you can contact her if you have questions about how to use the Textile Center Library website. If you are just searching, you do not need to login. Login is needed only if you are trying to reserve a book. And speaking of the library, if you are a Twin Cities Crochet member and do not yet have your Textile Center library card, contact Maxine.
- The member survey yielded tons of great information; Thank you, thank you!! If you volunteered for a task but did not add your name to the survey, please send a note to ctclist@gmail.com so we can know who you are.
- The publicity group has been busy, and Maxine shared their plans. Everyone is invited to help with the “crochet in public” project this fall. Right now, all you need to do is think about a good crochet spot in your neighborhood where people could stop and ask you questions. We will do some role playing in August to show how this works. The July group quickly came up with some great ideas so this promises to be a successful project.
- The publicity group also worked on a tagline to describe our group; The July meeting members continued brainstorming and came up with:
Crochet Twin Cities
Many hooks, many abilities, many friends
Carla took over to explain how to use a double-ended crochet hook to do double-ended crochet aka Tunisian with a Twist aka CroKnit aka Crochenit aka Crohook aka ……
We made swatches of both vertical bar and horizontal bar double-ended crochet. These can be joined into washcloth. The handout included extensive directions and resources as well as instructions on how to carry colors along side edges. Everyone learned the golden rule of double-ended crochet
When the hook is loaded with stitches, switch colors.
In August, we will continue the Tunisian theme with a Tunisian workshop; Bring along any project you would like to work on.