We came, we talked, we crocheted.
Our meeting on July 12 at the Textile Center was very relaxing. Joan led the meeting and asked us all to answer a very interesting question as we introduced ourselves: How did you find out about this group? We had members who have been with us since the beginning and others we have just joined the group in the last few months so responses were quite varied!
Several people brought their CAL sweater in progress (or completed) - while some of us are still at the swatch stage. We had several really nice projects at show n tell - a lovely large doily from Joy, a snazzy wrap from Erin (a great big granny square in colorful leftover yarns), and a cute baby flip-flop by Lori - to name a few.
Carol had been to the Art at St. Kate's event earlier in the morning and she reported on that event. The Textile Center is one of the sponsors of that event and several members were at their booth, crocheting and answering questions about the Textile Center. This picture shows some of the items that we had displayed and a peek outside our booth.
Finally, we closed with a few announcements about upcoming events - 4th Saturday meetup (July 26) and next month's meeting (August 9), both listed on our Calendar page. Watch the blog for more details!