Book: How to Crochet: Learn the Basic Stitches and Techniques
Author: Sara Delaney.
Publisher: Storey Publishing (2014)
ISBN-13: 978-1612123929
General description:
This book is exactly described by the subtitle; it really is an instruction book of basic crochet techniques.Through text and diagrams, it takes a complete beginner through learning a good solid set of basic stitches and techniques.
What I liked about this book:
There were a lot of things I liked about this book.
patterns, and even has some practice exercises. I am absolutely certain that the author must have a lot of practical experience teaching other people to crochet because this is a common frustration for many crocheters (and not just beginners!).
What I disliked about this book:
There really wasn't anything major I disliked about the book. The other minor thing I noticed was that in discussing how to make flat circles, the author used more stitches per round for sc and hdc than I have commonly seen - but that is the only thing I found that I disagreed with.
Overall recommendation:
I would definitely recommend this for beginners or for anyone who needs a good refresher reference book on crochet basics.
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