Tapestry crochet is a technique that allows you to work a row or round in multiple colors by carrying the unused colors and crocheting over them, creating beautiful and intricate patterns that many people think are woven. Like many crochet techniques, it looks complicated but is worked in the one of the most basic stitches, the single crochet. At this month's meeting, you'll learn more about tapestry crochet by creating a small project in your choice of a two- or three-color tapestry design.
During the class, you'll be crocheting a trinket basket to practice tapestry skills. To prepare for the class, we strongly recommend that you complete the bottom of the basket before the meeting (see instructions below). That way, you can get started on the tapestry crochet during the meeting, where there will be many helpers to answer your questions.
The meeting will be Saturday, Sept. 14, at the Textile Center with the following schedule:
10:00 to 10:30 - Open crochet
10:30 to 11:00 - Introductions & business
11:00 to 11:45 - Show and tell
11:45 to 12:00 - Break
12:00 to 1:00 - Crochet education
1:00 to 2:00 - Open crochet & committee meetings
To get the most out of the meeting, please bring:
- A printed or electronic copy of the handout. (Members: See the September email newsletter for the PDF when it's sent early next month.)
- Two or three contrasting colors of a smooth yarn in a weight you are comfortable with. A worsted weight cotton or a heavy crochet cotton thread is ideal for this project.
- Crochet hook suitable for your yarn.
- Tapestry needle, scissors, and stitch markers.
- Completed homework (see instructions below).
Homework instructions
- Choose one of your yarn colors for the bottom of the basket, designated as Color A.
- The basket bottom is a circle worked as a continuous spiral; do not attach the round with a slip stitch. Mark the beginning stitch of the round with a stitch marker and move the marker up as you go.
- You can make the basket bottom larger or smaller if you’d like, as long as the stitch count on the final round of the bottom is evenly divisible by 12.
Rnd 2: 2sc in each sc: 12 sc
Rnd 3: [2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc] 6 times: 18 sc
Rnd 4: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 2 times] 6 times: 24 sc
Rnd 5: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 3 times] 6 times: 30 sc
Rnd 6: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 4 times] 6 times: 36 sc
Rnd 7: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 5 times] 6 times: 42 sc
Rnd 8: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 6 times] 6 times: 48 sc
Rnd 9: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 7 times] 6 times: 54 sc
Rnd 10: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 8 times] 6 times: 60 sc
Rnd 11: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 9 times] 6 times: 66 sc
Rnd 12: [2 sc in next sc, (sc in next sc) 10 times] 6 times: 72 sc
Leave the yarn attached to the basket bottom.