Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Crochet Shoes and News

Chris's June Zippered Mosaic pouch

While March is National Crochet Month according to the CGOA, June had plenty for us to celebrate:
There was Worldwide Knit in Public day (the 2nd Saturday of June), and Yarn Bombing Day (June 11).  I love that WW Knit in Public day is always on the 2nd Saturday, maybe next year we should sit outside of the library! I heard good things about the June education session with Maxine. While I wasn't able to attend, I did manage to use the technique to make a couple of little bags with the zippers built in.   Chris brought her finished pouch to the meetup at MOA and I was able to grab a picture of hers so that you can see the actual mosaic pattern.

Gloria's poncho for her granddaughter.

Speaking of the June meetup - we had 15 members meet up and we found that Gloria and I have matching shoes.  The shoes are actually machine knit, but too cute to pass up when we found them online at a great price.

For our July meeting, Barb will be showing us the crocodile stitch in the round with a Dragon scale Bag recipe that's great for gamer's dice or a purse for a little mermaid.   The recipe and supply list will be in the monthly newsletter, feel free to print it out to bring along, as we'll have a limited number of copies available at the library.

Tony's own design!

State Fair news!  We have 2 dates this year: Thursday, August 22 (opening day) and Sunday, September 1.  The sign up link will be in the monthly newsletter. If you do not receive the monthly newsletter, please send an email to

Remember only official members receive the newsletter, and only official members can sign up to demonstrate at the fair. If you have submitted an membership form, your status is not official until you have paid the annual dues. 

It's been mentioned before, but bears mentioning again, we'll be looking for nominees for 2025 office roles by the end of August (voting takes place at the October meeting or via Google forms).  A couple of officers have already indicated that they will not be running again this year. The officer positions are: President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary and Education Chair*, the Education Chair position may be held by 2 co-chairs. If you want more details, reach out to any of the current officers (Theresa, Brenda, Carla, or Barb), or send an email to

Who's blanket is this?

Other opportunities to volunteer include, photography, social media, blog writing, education committee, carpooling/providing transportation to members, community outreach, etc.   Remember, we are a volunteer-run organization with minimal dues, so we rely heavily on member engagement to drive our group activities.  If you have an idea, say something, chances are there's someone in the group who will be interested (after all, if it involves crochet, it has to be fun).  

The August meeting will be a chance to create a nametag, to wear to the State Fair, although as always, you are welcome to attend and work on any project you wish.

Dragonfly Wrap