Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Thread Crochet: July 9 Meeting Preview

It's summertime - time to put aside heavy yarns in favor of light and airy projects. What a perfect time for an introduction to thread crochet - or refresher if you've worked with thread before but need some practice.

Gail has volunteered to present at this meeting and will show us how to crochet a typical floral motif. Several other folks will be on hand to assist during the hands-on. We'll have plenty of size 5 and size 10 crochet thread on hand for everyone's use. We'll also have some extra steel hooks but if you want, you can bring your own. If you plan to work with with size 5 thread (the larger thread which might be easier if you're new to thread crochet), recommended size if often D3 (regular hooks); if you're working with size 10, use size 7 or 8 (steel hooks).

If you want to preview some samples of thread crochet flower patterns, go to for a list.

We hope to see you on Saturday, July 9 at Borealis Yarn (1340 Thomas Avenue in St. Paul). The presentation will start promptly at 2:30pm with meeting lasting till 4:30pm. We'd also like to spend a few minutes at the meeting talking about survey results and finding out who's attending the conference so we can connect there.