Monday, November 14, 2011

Project Gallery November 2011

The Project Gallery photographer was preoccupied with learning new Tunisian stitches and neglected to photograph some of the excellent examples of  Tunisian crochet, including a lovely silk scarf crocheted by Barbara and a lavender scarf by Julie that was made out of a unique novelty yarn. Not only that, but some shots aren't exactly in focus. Profuse apologies for that!

Maxine is experimenting with felting Boku, a new yarn for her.

Jeanne created this sweater using double strands of worsted-weight yarn.

This is a detail of a shawl crocheted by Peggy that also uses doubled strands--in this case Vanna's Choice and the lighter weight Vanna's Glamour, which has a fine metallic thread throughout.

This mobius by Carol utilizes Noro Silk Garden. A mobius is crocheted in a continuous loop. After crocheting the foundation chain, one end of the chain is given a half-turn before joining to the opposite end. As you continue to crochet, the moebius grows from the center outward. The foundation chain is light green in color (easily visible on the left side of the picture).