Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Project Gallery February 2012

Jodi finished her first felted bag! She wanted to add a stripe in after the construction was complete. She accomplished this by slip stitching the pink yarn over the gray body of the bag prior to felting it (as shown in the example to the left of the bag). She added a pretty button which completed the look.

Maria Ann created two felted bags. She has not yet cut the handle into the purple variegated bag but
you can see that the variegated yarn with the purple top turned out nicely.  On the right, she created an iPad cover in bright green & pink stripes. She even included a pocket on the inside for paper & pens!

Joy created a nice felted bag with a handle. Unfortunately, the handle did not felt up as completely as the bag did and ended up being too long. We all felt that there is something she can do to make the handle shorter (maybe knotting it to make it hang the correct length from her shoulder). There is always something to learn with felting and it might take a few tries to get it exactly right.

Carmelle crocheted a lovely heart-shaped candy box for her Mother for Valentine's Day. She still has
to finish the top and crochet the candy (as shown in the photo) before her Mom can enjoy it!  We all thought it was very creative.

Maxine created two frog hats - a girl on the left (winking) and a boy (prince) on the right.  We all agreed that her self-designed pattern creations were darling.
Maxine also brought in two moebius that she had previously created in different types of yarn.
This is another photo of Joy's felted purse, but also shows the lovely pineapple doily that she recently crocheted. 
Jeanne is working on a vest for her husband.  The fabric is just beautiful, and the shaping is expert.

Jody just attended her first meeting, but she's responsible for helping us find our new meeting space--thanks a heap!   She was wearing a pair of leg warmers made out of a seed stitch pattern.