If you've been to our last four meetings (December 2011 through March 2012), this post is old news for you. But if you haven't been able to attend, this post summarizes all the exciting changes that have been taken place in our chapter recently.
- At our December meeting, we formed a steering committee that met to create a draft set of bylaws for our chapter.
- At the January meeting, members approved the bylaws.
- At the February meeting, members elected officers who will serve from March 2012 until February 2013.
- President (Maxine), Vice-President (Peggy), Secretary (Carol), Treasurer (Jodi)
- At the March meeting, members approved the dues schedule for 2012.
We encourage everyone to review the bylaws and dues schedule, which are short and simple. If you would like to become a member, click this link for the
membership form - we have copies at every meeting but if you'd like, you can print it and fill it out in advance. The form and dues will be accepted at any meeting but if you would like to mail them, please send an email to
ctclist@gmail.com and ask us to send you the mailing instructions.
Please note that our
Ravelry group and our email reminder list are open to members as well as other interested crocheters.