Hilary is working on another shawl This one is made from a painted super wash yarn from All for the Love of Yarn. The wool comes from the Leicester breed of sheep, which produce a long and lustrous fiber. If you are a spinner, you love fleece from the Leicester.
What the heck is this? |
It’s a sandal, crocheted by Joan from an Interweave Crochet pattern. She used hemp and the sole of a flip-flop to make the sandals. As you can see by the second photo, it’s a Roman style that laces up the leg. Since the size turned out wrong for Joan’s granddaughter, Jodi is the proud possessor of these snappy shoes.
Speaking of Jodi, she brought an afghan square crocheted by her mother some twenty years ago. The square is in a traditional quilt square pattern called Sunbonnet Sue.
Jodi also showed off this lovely felted purse. She crocheted open spaces that she stuffed with plastic wrap during the felting process. After felting, instead of a decorative ribbon, Jodi filled the spaces with a decorative scarf. She crocheted a loop closure that nearly felted shut. A special coordinating button completed the look. Jodi also showed off a matching bracelet crocheted from wire and lapis chips, but yours truly did not get a good photo of the bracelet. Jodi will be teaching us how to crochet with wire at our August meeting.
Gail made these cute slippers for Carmelle. The yarn has a little bit of sparkle in it. A coordinating novelty yarn was used for a fancy trim.
Carol made this Julie-Maxine shawl—so named for Julie, who found the novelty yarns at Savers, and Maxine, who usually uses these colors and beads. The stitch pattern was inspired by a shawl Gail shared with us last month. If just allowed to hang lengthwise, the rows collapse on each other (left side of photo), but will open up when draped around the body (right side of photo). Each row is a different yarn, which makes the fringe. As someone noted, the fringe constitutes a lethal weapon—beware when tossing the end of the shawl over the shoulder. It was an awful lot of work for a little bling—something Carol will NEVER do again.
Jody crocheted this cute little car for her son. She did an adaptation of a the purchased pattern Rambunctious Race Car. As with anything small, the details make a huge difference in the outcome. Jody used antique buttons from her grandmother's button collection that likely came from her great-grandmother's button collection, which included buttons from her great-great-grandmother. And what did Jody do with these vintage treasures? Why, she made them into terrific hubcaps.
Jody's cat Beauford contributed fur for these finger puppets. She followed the basic instructions in "Crafting with Cat Hair" by Kaori Tautaya.
This is a work in progress. Maxine was sampling different types of yarn for use with hairpin lace and tried this novelty ribbon yarn. You can't quite tell by this picture, but this is a series of hairpin lace braids laced together to make a small purse. We're all interested to see how this one turns out.
Saved the best for last. Ever wonder what sort of person owns an art car? How about yarn bombers—know any? Remember those “leather” coverings that were popular on sporty cars maybe a decade ago? What were they called, nose bras, car bras? Well, here’s something you don’t see every day—a spare tire snood (don’t you just love the name?). June crocheted it for her car. Is this cool or what? We are all so envious. The “yarn” is a hardware store nylon roping product. Way to go, June!