During the discussion afterwards, the following ideas surfaced:
- The “hostess” for a “Crochet In Public” session will pick a spot where she would like to crochet for a few hours. Several members who live near each other may want to work together. Your goal is to interest people in crocheting and invite them to visit our group.
- Let the CTC officers know if you want to organize a group by sending an email to ctclist@gmail.com. Include the date and place of the meetup so that the officers can update our event calendar with your meetup information.
- Offer business cards to people you meet who seem interested in crochet.
- Keep track of how many cards are handed out and report on the experience at the next meeting.
- When you offer a business card, point out the blog and let the person know they can look at pictures of our projects there as well as get details about upcoming events.
- Put your Ravelry name on the back of our CTC card if you’d like to communicate with them.
- Offer to bring someone to a meeting with you or connect with a CTC member who lives near them.
- “Like” the CTC Facebook page so your friends will see the group.
- Our overall goal for all publicity activities is to increase membership by 5%-10% next year.
After Show and Tell, Jo and Carla took over to share information about stitch variations in Tunisian and Double-Ended Hook crochet. This picture shows some of the samples they made of these stitch
Carla made samples from Annie’s Attic “101 Double-Ended Hook Stitches. The Essential Stitch Guide” of the ripple stitch, single crochet loop stitch, puff stitch which made bobbles on both sides of the swatch, bobble stitch which made a bobble on one side and the long double crochet post stitch which created a 1-sided ripple.
Jo used Annie’s Attic “101 Easy Tunisian Stitches” to create swatches for the Tunisian Puff Stitch, Tunisian Shell Stitch, Tunisian Lace Stitch, Tunisian V stitch and had information on embellishing Tunisian crochet.
Announcements at the end of the meeting included:
- We'll meet at the Prospect Park United Methodist Church in September. This will be our last meeting at the church. We move to the Textile Center in October.
- In September and October, we will learn about Irish Lace crochet.
- Jo will be sending out a survey to gather ideas about future meeting topics and instructors. We will follow a format of learning a new technique one month, and practicing with it the next month. The Program Committee will soon be actively recruiting teachers for future meetings; they will be glad to help write and prepare handouts, assist in making samples, brainstorm about how to teach the class, assist during the class, and help in any other way to make your teaching experience a success.