- On November 2, a contingent of members staffed a large round table at the Fall Fiber Festival in Hopkins with a great variety of samples to entice people to stop and talk. Jodi demonstrated hairpin lace and attracted a lot of attention that way too.
- On November 7, Rosemary and Julie participated in the Textile Center "Do or Dye" fundraiser where participants could try all kinds of textile-related crafts. The Crochet Guild table was busy the entire evening teaching people to crochet and handing out brochures and business cards.
Our November 9 meeting started off with introductions and a business meeting.
- As we enter winter, members are reminded that we have a weather policy. If the meeting is cancelled due to weather conditions, a note will be posted on the blog and emails will be sent. If the weather looks "iffy", be sure to check your email and computer before traveling to the Textile Center.
- This November, a 5th Saturday falls on Thanksgiving weekend. Despite the holiday, a number of members wanted to get together. We discussed ideas and, since the meeting, have come up with several options, see separate blog post for details.
- The program committee has reviewed the surveys, and announced that one ongoing project next year will be a crochet-along sweater. There was great interest in learning how to make garments that fit so this project will address that interest. We will work on the sweater throughout the year.
- Membership dues are due by December 31. Jodi will be collecting dues at the December 14 meeting. If you want to write a check, make it payable to her rather than Crochet Twin Cities.
- We are coming to the end of our membership year, and we will hold officer elections at the annual member meeting, which is held in the normal December time slot. The Vice-President and Secretary positions are open; contact Maxine or Julie if you are interested.
- December is also our popular Annual Destash Meeting so members are invited to bring any yarn, patterns, books, magazines or crochet tools you no longer want to keep . Hotly contested items will be decided by raffle ticket. Bring treats if you like, and we there may be a game or two of Crochet Bingo planned too.