- Option 1 begins at 11:00 AM in the community room of the condo where one of our members lives. Rosemary has graciously offered to be the "hostess with the most-est" for this gathering and will be providing a light lunch (Sloppy Joes, chips, etc) and beverages (coffee and water). The community room will be setup with tables so bring your project bags and your crochet hooks. Julie will be on hand to help with cables if anybody has questions from the last meeting or wants to continue working on their sampler. The condo is in the western suburbs; directions and details will be in the email from ctclist - so watch your inbox!
- Option 2 begins at 1:00 PM at the Dunn Brothers at 530 University Ave SE, Minneapolis for crochet, chat, and coffee. If you've never been to this coffee shop, it's nice and spacious and has some great ratings on social media. It's near the intersection of 6th and University, just west of I-35 W; for more information, this link is a google map with directions and this link will take you to the store's Facebook page.
And, finally, there's really a third option too. Remember the Saturday after Thanksgiving is now known as Small Business Saturday - so if you can't come to one of these outings, maybe you can treat yourself to a trip to your local yarn shop!