This month's meeting is a little different than normal in that we do not have an education component. Like all meetings, it will be held from 1PM to 3Pm at the Textile Center of Minnesota - with open crochet from 11AM to 1PM.
In accordance with our bylaws, the December meeting "shall be known as the Annual Meeting and shall include election of officers for the next year, receiving reports of officers, and any other business that might arise." After the business meeting, the rest of our time together will be a Christmas party including our annual Destash Extravaganza. (This picture shows some of the items that were traded at last year's meet - the cat was not part of the swap, he sneaked into the picture when the photographer wasn't looking.)
Because the focus of this meeting is the annual business, it is a member-only meeting and not open to guests. However, if you become a 2014 member at the December meeting (dues are $24 for the year, click here for a membership form), you too can participate in the annual meeting and the destash extravaganza.
We'll be back to an open meeting with an education offering on January 11 2014. Watch the blog for a meeting preview!