Thursday, December 4, 2014

Annual Member Business Meeting: Dec 13 Meeting Preview

Can you believe that another year is almost over? Time does fly - and so have our crochet hooks! With December comes our Annual meeting - time to recap and reflect on the activities and accomplishments of our chapter this past year as well as elect the board of directors for next year. Then after the business meeting, we'll have our annual holiday celebration.

As you can tell from the description above, the December meeting is a bit different than normal. Like all meetings it will be held at the Textile Center of Minnesota, 3000 University Avenue, with the following schedule:
  • Open Crochet  -11:00 AM to 12:00 PM
  • Business - 12:00 PM to 1:00 PM
However, from 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM, instead of crochet education, we'll have refreshments and the annual member-only Destash Extravaganza. The picture at the right shows some of the destash items from years past. (Mr. Inspectigator Kitty was not part of the destash, he just had to give his approval for the picture.) If you'd like to join in on the Destash Extravaganza by becoming a member the day of the meeting, we'd sure welcome you! Here's the membership form with all the information, contact us at if questions.

We hope all members can join us on December 13 - we promise the business meeting will not be boring - the year has been too exciting for that! - and we know you'll enjoy the holiday celebration.

We'll be back to open meetings with a crochet education offering on January 10, 2015 - watch the blog for details. And don't forget - we'll also have a 4th Saturday meetup as usual this month on December 27, see Meeting Calendar page for location and watch the blog for details.