Sunday, July 7, 2019

July 13 Meeting Preview: Market Bag Basics

Crochet market bags are the perfect summer project - lightweight, portable and easy - and you end up with a versatile eco-friendly item when you're finished. At this month's meeting, you'll learn tips and tricks for making sturdy market bags and some ideas for embellishments to make a one-of-a-kind project. Our co-instructors this month will be Andrew, who designed the Heavy Duty Market Bag, and Gloria, who tested the pattern and has lots of ideas for embellishing.

The meeting will be held Saturday, July 13, at the Textile Center, with the following schedule:

  • 10:00 to 10:30 - Open crochet
  • 10:30 to 11:00 - Introductions & business
  • 11:00 to 11:45 - Show and tell
  • 11:45 to 12:00 - Break
  • 12:00 to  1:00 - Crochet education
  • 1:00 to  2:00 - Open crochet & committee meetings

To get the most out of the meeting, please bring:

  • A printed or electronic copy of the Heavy Duty Market Bag pattern, available as a free download on Ravelry. (You can download the pattern even if you aren't logged into Ravelry.)
  • Members may also want to review the Market Bag Basics handout and bring a printed or electronic copy. (Find a PDF of the handout in the July newsletter.)
  • At least three skeins of worsted weight cotton yarn, such as Sugar 'n Cream. (The bag needs six skeins total - you'll hold 3 strands of yarn together as you crochet.)
  • Crochet hook: K10.5 (6.5 mm) or L11 (8 mm). 
  • Tapestry needle, scissors, and stitch markers
Monthly meetings are free for CTC members, $5 for guests.

NOTE: If you've made Crochet for a Cause items, please wait to bring them until the August meeting. Kathy won't be at the July meeting, but will attend in August. Thank you!