Sunday, July 9, 2023

Getting ready for the Great Minnesota Crochet Together

This month's meeting focused on the State Fair, Bree shared dates and other critical information about how to enter items into the different areas of competition, including a new crochet competition in the Bee category.   We had a surprise visit from Nancy, a member who moved to Florida a year ago, but maintains her membership so she can join us when she's in town.  She had 2 lovely tops she made to share during an extra-long show & tell.  We also discussed upcoming elections for next year's board (voting in October) and discussed additional business, including the setting the date for Crochet the River Part 2 (September 9) and the very exciting news that Crochet Twin Cities will be demonstrating at the State Fair in the Creative Arts building on 3 separate dates: Thursday, August 24 (opening day), Friday, August 25 and Saturday, September 2.  
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There will be 4 shifts of 2-4 hours lengths each date and 3 member volunteers are needed per shift. Dues paying members in good standing are invited to sign up for a shift here or use the QR code to access sign up via your phone.  Volunteers receive a free ticket to the fair and must be prepared to spend their full shift demonstrating, answering questions and celebrating crochet (don't forget to bring your finished projects to display as well as a current project to work on). If you have any questions, please contact us at or contact Bree directly using the information on our member roster. 

We'll be cruising the Mississippi River out of Harriet Island on a Lunch and Lock tour, once again during our September meeting. You will need to reserve your space via the website: The price is $48.32 and includes lunch. Be sure to indicate that you are part of the Crochet Twin Cities group in the notes/comments to ensure you are seated with the group.  Please email CTC to let us know when your reservation has been made so that we can plan for the appropriate number of guests.

Once again, CTC will reimburse eligible members* $25 towards ticket price during the cruise. If you are unable to make your reservation for ANY reason, but you wish to attend, please contact Theresa directly to discuss, as soon as possible. Members who participated in the June are welcome to participate in the September cruise but will not receive reimbursement for a second cruise. Again, if you have any questions, concerns or input, please contact or any board member: Theresa (President), Brenda (VP), Carla (Treasurer), Barb (Secretary). *To be eligible for reimbursement, you must be a dues-paying member for the entire year of 2023 who did not attend the June 2023 cruise. 

Upcoming meetings: August - Name Tags, September - Cruise, October - Gloria & Joy Ireland Crochet Experience, November - Destash, December - How to make 2d & 3d thread crochet stiff, i.e. holiday ornaments & Annual Meeting.