Saturday, July 22, 2023

Taking up space at the HarMar Barnes & Noble

We had a blast at the meet up today! There were at least 20 members and guests.  If our turnout continues to be this great, we may need to look for another location, as we're taking up quite a bit of space in the cafe. We all took a look at the new sign Bree had made for us.  It's light and portable and has the cutest amigurumi pictured on it.

Six (6, yes, s-i-x, 6) new members joined CTC today.  That means we've grown to 45 members, which makes this a REALLY good time, to make a nametag if you haven't already!  Our August 12 meeting will be at the Wescott Library in Eagan. There will be alphabet beads for those of us with longer names not suited to crochet or cross stitch, beads for embellishing and examples of really incredible name tags already being worn by members.  BTW, that reminds me, members, don't forget to bring and wear your name tags to help our newer members learn all of the names. Of course, we'll also have social time, CTC news and show & tell (we've removed the limit of one item per member and are just asking members to keep in mind that we do have limited time).  I can't wait to see what everyone has been working on! 

Don't forget to sign up for a shift at the State Fair (link and QR can be found below in previous post). It's always a great time, and you'll get free admission to the fair for the day.  
Looking ahead, for our Saturday, September 9 meeting we'll be cruising the ol' Miss once again.  Don't forget to reserve your space by purchasing your ticket in advance on the Padelford Riverboat website: *If you are looking for details regarding pricing and times, you can find them in the previous post or on the website. Be sure to indicate that you are with CTC in your reservation.
October's meeting will be a real treat, as Joy & Gloria will be sharing photos and stories about their adventures in Ireland. Oh, and October is when we vote for next year's officers.  It's a good time to think about how you help to make CTC such a great group.
Destash will be in November, as well as the last board meeting of the year.  We'll be talking about education, topics, projects and plans for 2024, so be sure to stick around to share your thoughts, or send your ideas to us at
December's meeting will be talking about how to stiffen thread crochet to make snowflakes or decorations. And as a peak into next year, January will be a class by Edie Eckman or another crochet master.  
So many things to do!  Hope to see you at some of them, and until then may your yarn never tangle, and if it does, may you have a very, very good friend who will help you fix the mess!  Theresa