Monday, January 15, 2024

Chilling with Edie

BRRRR, BRRRR, BRRRR I know it's Minnesota and it's January but BRRR!
We had 14 members brave the cold to participate in-person at the Oxboro Library for A Gathering of Grannies. At least 8 members also joined us virtually. While we had thrown Edie for a loop by having a hybrid class as opposed to virtual only, she did a fabulous job of instructing us on a variety of ways to join granny squares (and any motifs, or wearables that require joining). If you attended the class, you should have received a follow-up email from Edie with links to additional resources from the class. Please reach out to if you haven't received a copy, so that we can ensure we sent the correct email address to Edie. Edie's policies prohibit us from sending this email to members who did not attend.
After education, we held our first board meeting of 2024. The board and members in attendanced voted to award lifetime membership status to members in good standing for 10 or more years. Lifetime membership status is primarily an acknowledgement of your longstanding membership and participation, however, if you are a lifetime member who is also retired, you will no longer be required to pay dues. If you have questions about lifetime membership, please send an email to
We'll be meeting at Rosedale Center on January 27 for January's fourth Saturday meetup. I hope to see many of you there. February's second Saturday meeting on February 10th will feature thermal stitch, and is open to the public. Oh, I nearly forgot the most exciting news: We're having a baby! Well, okay we are not ALL having a baby, but one of our member's will be having a baby in July. I'll be organizing a CAL baby blanket, with each member who wishes to participate contributing a square or motif that will be joined together to create a one-of-a-kind gift. I'll be figuring out the details regarding size, yarn, etc, and sharing by the February meeting. If you have any ideas and/or are already sure that you would like to participate, reach out via