Monday, August 7, 2023

Meetings & Prizes & Members, oh my!

I am really looking forward to playing with string & beads to make our nametags on Saturday; I hope we see you there.  In addition to our usual fun, we have a special door prize, a full year membership to the Crochet Guild of America.  In order to be eligible to enter the drawing for this prize, you will need to be a dues-paying Crochet Twin Cities member in good standing. As always, you must be present at the time of the drawing to win door prizes. I also have the rest of the CTC swag to deliver, so if you haven't received yours, you will be able to pick up the swag you ordered.

On to the good stuff, let's meet two new members, Kristeen & Michelle

Picture of alphabet beads spelling Kristeen
Meet Kristeen

When Kristeen was born, her 8-year-old sister chose her name and the spelling (cool job big sis!).  Kristeen's sister taught Kristeen to crochet so that she could teach a friend, she's been crocheting for 3 years.

Kristeen enjoys working with lacy patterns and post stitches.  She would like to learn tapestry crochet and try yarn from angora rabbit, just because they are so soft and adorable.

What Kristen wants you know to in her own words: "This spring I finally made a sweater with sleeves that I'm willing to wear. I have one I made last winter that I need to completely tear apart.  I crochet while my husband paints Warhammer miniatures."  

Picture of alphabet beads spelling Michelle and assorted mixed beads

 my name is Michelle.  I have been crocheting for almost a year now!  My teacher is the lovely Bree that you all already know and love!  Oh my what a great teacher she is!!!  So far I have primarily used single, half double and double crochet stitches.  I have been seeking out dishcloth patterns to try new stitches.  I am not sure I have a favorite stitch but I have found I really love to make the waffle pattern dishcloth!  I am attaching a photo of a recent dishcloth that used the primrose stitch! 

picture of green hand crocheted washcloth
Michelle's primrose stitch washcloth

Michelle will be joining us on the September river cruise, and has already signed up to play with yarn for a shift at the State Fair. 

Be sure to say "hello" and welcome all of our new members when you have a chance to meet them in person. Until tomorrow, may your yarn be soft, your hook fly swift & your tension stay true, Theresa